PR1MA Corporation Malaysia Group (hereinafter referred to as “PR1MA”) respect your Personal Data and is committed to ensure your Personal Data is protected in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012. We have, therefore, developed a Privacy Policy that guides how PR1MA collects, processes, uses, discloses, transfers, and stores your Personal Data. Kindly study this Policy and understand your rights on the matter. For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, please note that: “PR1MA Corporation Malaysia Group” refers to, collectively, PR1MA Corporation Malaysia and its subsidiaries, wholly controlled entities, and affiliates under PR1MA Corporation Malaysia.

Collection and Use of Personal Data by PR1MA

Your Personal Data refers to any information that relates directly or indirectly to you, and/or your transactions with PR1MA. During the course of your transaction and dealings with PR1MA, you may be requested to furnish your Personal Data from time to time. PR1MA and their third party service providers may share the Personal Data with each other and use it consistent with this Privacy Policy. They may also combine it with other information to provide and improve PR1MA’s products and services.

Types of Personal Data

When you transact with PR1MA, we may collect a variety of your Personal Data through the following sources:

  1. Online Registration Form; and/or
  2. Manual Registration Form.

Your Personal Data may include:-

  1. Name;
  2. National registration identity card number/passport number;
  3. Nationality;
  4. Date of birth;
  5. Gender;
  6. Race;
  7. Marital Status;
  8. Postal address;
  9. Occupation and Employer’s particulars;
  10. Telephone number;
  11. Email address;
  12. Salary range;
  13. Contact preference; and
  14. Credit card or bank account information.

The list of personal data stated above is not exhaustive and may include other personal data depending on the nature of dealings or transaction.

Purposes of your Personal Data

Subject to limitation of usage of your Personal Data, PR1MA may use your Personal Data for the following purposes:-

  1. PR1MA may share your Personal Data with third parties that provide services such as execution of Sale & Purchase Agreement, Memorandum of Transfer and any other relevant documents in order to discharge its contractual obligations with you; and/or
  2. PR1MA may use your Personal Data to keep you posted on new launches, promotions, and upcoming events by way of marketing / advertising / promotional materials, emails or calls. If you do not wish to be on our mailing list, please let PR1MA know in writing; and/or
  3. From time to time, you may be required to provide certain types of Personal Data in forms or other documentation, whether in electronic or print form. Such information will be indicated as compulsory/mandatory, and if you fail to provide such obligatory personal information, or later withdraw your consent for PR1MA to continue processing the same, PR1MA may not be able to provide or continue providing you with the full range of benefits, products and/or services you have requested, and PR1MA may not be able to fulfil the purposes set out above; and/or
  4. PR1MA may use your Personal Data to send important notices, emails, letters, SMS or any communication about purchases and changes to its terms, conditions and policies. As such information is crucial to your custom with PR1MA, you are advised not to opt out of receiving such communications; and/or
  5. PR1MA may also use your Personal Data for internal purposes such as auditing, data analysis, and research to improve PR1MA's products, services and registrant communications. You may also be contacted from time to time for suggestions and surveys; and/or
  6. Whenever required by law, relevant enforcement or regulatory authorities, agencies or departments, and/or where such disclosure is necessary to respond to any claims or legal process, or for the detection/prevention of crime; and/or
  7. We may also disclose your information, whether in part or in full, to our contracted or authorised companies such as our data processors.

Disclosure and Sharing of Personal Data Collected

Personal information we collect from you may be disclosed to:

  1. Federal or State government;
  2. Government ministries and agencies;
  3. Law enforcement agencies;
  4. Other authorised government bodies (if legally required);
  5. PR1MA panel of solicitors;
  6. Financiers;
  7. Financiers’ solicitors;
  8. Auditors;
  9. PR1MA service providers, suppliers, agents, or professional consultants;
  10. Our subsidiaries, partners and affiliates;
  11. Any third parties who have been engaged or appointed by PR1MA; and
  12. Any third parties who have been authorized by you to use, disclose and retain your Personal Data.

PR1MA may share anonymous and/or aggregated information about all our users with third parties in a manner that will not identify you specifically, and if the same is not possible we will seek your consent before such disclosure. In the circumstances set out in this Policy where PR1MA passes your information to a third party, we will ensure that the security measures that such party has in place in relation to the processing of your data are at least as stringent as those employed by PR1MA if not better. This does not apply where we are required by law to pass your information to a third party. In the event we go through a business transition, such as sale of part or all of our assets, merger or acquisition, your information will likely form part of this transition and be transferred

Protection of Personal Data

PR1MA takes the necessary precautions, both administrative and technical to safeguard the security and integrity of your Personal Data. PR1MA does not sell or rent any personal information you provide to any other parties.

Retention, Integrity and Access to Personal Data

It is your duty to ensure the Personal Data provided is accurate, complete and up to date. We will retain your Personal Data for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is permitted or required by law. You have the right to notify PR1MA to update or correct your Personal Data that is inaccurate or misleading, or limit the processing of your Personal Data by sending your request in writing to the address set out below. You may also request access to your Personal Data for the following reasons: i) to check if your Personal Data is being held and used by PR1MA; ii) to withdraw your consent in respect of certain purposes for which we are processing your Personal Data; iii) to request that your Personal Data be retained and used only for the specific purpose for which it was collected; and iv) to fully or partially retract your Personal Data for the purposes of direct marketing i.e. sending of marketing materials or you do not want to be contacted by PR1MA for sale and promotion of any products : Any request for access, enquiries, corrections, complaints or to restrict processing of Personal Data can be made by writing in to the following address:-


Level 9, Block F No. 2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A Oasis Square, Oasis Damansara 47301 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Call Centre: (+603) 7628 9898 General / Registration / Technical: [email protected] We may decline any request that are unreasonably repetitive, require disproportionate technical effort, jeopardize the privacy of others, extremely impractical or for which access is not otherwise required by local law.

Variation/Changes of PR1MA Privacy Policy

PR1MA reserves the rights to change, amend, vary or modify any part this Policy from time to time. Any material changes will be posted on our website and/or by such other means of communication deemed suitable by PR1MA.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The terms and conditions herein shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia and you shall submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Malaysia.

Public Authorities Protection Act 2010

The registrant acknowledges and agrees that the Public Authorities Protection Act, 2010 (Act 709) shall apply to any action, suit, prosecution or proceedings against PR1MA or a member of PR1MA or a committee, and an employee or agent of PR1MA in respect of any act, neglect or default done or committed by PR1MA or the persons stipulated herein in good faith or any omission by PR1MA or the person stipulated herein in good faith in such capacity.


By submitting your Personal Data, you consent to the use of that Personal Data as set out in this Policy. Continued use of the service will signify that you agree to any changes to the Privacy Policy.